On Monday Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has rolled out that will allow users to see as well as to compare different tariff of different telecom providers like Airtel. Jio, Vodafone, Aircel, etc on one platform through its beta version http://www.teriff.trai.gov.in which is now live.
This portal will allow users to compare landline and mobiles prepaid as well as postpaid plans on one platform, it contains lots of categories for comparing and at one time users can compare one operator or many operators at same time.It also has a feedback option and users can send your feedbacks by entering their mobile number.
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This portal has lots of features that make very easier to compare any kind of plans just like users can compare all tariff plan, VAS, Promo, Combo, etc. and it also has option to put price range, validity range and data capping though these are optional.t seems that TRAI has 1000 plans for comparing.
This move from TRAI is aimed to bring transparency in different plans of similar cost amoung various telecom service providers.For more stuff like that visit my youtube channel,don’t forget to subscribe and follow my fb page