Today I’ll be giving you another update of wwe 2k19 psp mod v1.2 and it is going to be monsterous.In this update you will get new gear of Seth Rollins aka King Slayer and Braun Strowman aka monster among men.
In Summer Slam Seth Rollins had a fight against Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship and Seth arrived at summer slam in amazing gear very much similar to the gear of Thanos.He successfully won that and and also the intercontienental championship.Seth’s summer slam gear is getting popular and that’s why i’m giving you new gear of Seth Rollins.
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After winning money in the bank contract, on next day i.e. on Monday night RAW Braun Strowman arrived with new t-shirt.We all know what was written on that t-shirt, ‘monster in the bank’ and that same gear will be in your psp folder.All you need is to read the step written below vey carefully.
How to install these gears in psp folder
1.Fisrt of all you have to download svr 2011 iso from this link below and if you have it, then read second step.
2.You have to download wwe 2k19 mod v1.2 from the link below.It’s a patch file for svr 2011 iso in easy word I would say it’s your psp folder.
3.Download new textures New gears file from the link below and remember one thing this file will ask for password while extracting.If, you don’t want to face any issue then watch this video because it contains password in it’s middle.
It’s all set but you have to keep few things in mind, if you have psp folder of v1.2 then it’s done.But if you have downloaded psp folder from any other link then keep these few things in mind.May be this new gears will show inside that game or sometime you psp folder gets altered (some characters will lost or it will get back to old form).\
also read : Need For Speed Most Wanted Android Free download
new gear of Seth Rollins & Braun Stroman : download
wwe 2k19 mod v1.2 : download
wwe svr 2011 iso : download
I am not saying that these thing will surely happen.But these problems are occuring in most of the cases.If you want to avoid these problems, it would be better for you to download wwe 2k19 psp mod v1.2.You won’t face any kind of issue for sure.For more stuff like that visit our youtube channel,don’t forget to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.