
DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP mod 280MB

DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP
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Guys after very long time I found something cool on DBZ Shin Budokai 2.In previous articles of DBZ SB got very popular and to keep that thing in mind, in this article I am providing you DBZ ultimate Budokai PSP mod for Android/PC.This is surely the best mod made on DBZ Shin Budokai 2 till date.

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Previous article of DBZ Shin Budokai 6, was loved by most of you and DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP mod is way better than DBZ SB 6.IN DBZ Sb6 you have got goku’s Ultra instinct and Mastered UI form, All forms of vegeta including perfect blue,lots pf other DBS characters.

DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP has some popular DBS characters like Jiren,Toppo, etc, but this mod contains lots of characters from DBZ heroes series.You won’t get UI or mastered UI of goku, but you will get goku till super saiyan god.It has amazing zombie version of goku, lot of version of Gohan and Kid Gohan.It has Hit, Golden Freeza, Jiren, Toppo, Broly all forms, Cell, Kyabe, etc.

DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP mod you will get Vegetto in new costume which you have never seen before.The graphics of this mod are superb, it dose not force stopped or lag at all.It is very stable psp mod.But you have to do its setting to avoid crashing and lag.

Also read : DBZ Shin Budokai Battleground Highly Compressed 270 MB

How to Play DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP mod on Android/PC

1.Download DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP game file and its savedata from the link below.Install Z Archiver and ppsspp emulator as well.

2.Watch this video because DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP file is password protected and to know the password you have to watch this video till end.

3.Now use password to extractDBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP game file.After xtracting you will get DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP iso.

4.Now extract savedata file inte you psp>>savedata folder.

5.Watch it setting video situated below because this game won’t run without its proper setting.

6.After doing its setting you can start DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP game and enjoy.

DBZ Ultimate Budokai PSP game file : Download

Savedata file : Download

Credit : Masters Creation

What are you thought and experience about DBZ Ultimate Budokai game on Android.Share you opinions on the comment section and you can aslo ask your queries in the comment section.For more stuff like that visit our youtube channel,don’t forget to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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